
This DIP proposes the introduction of GovernanceV2, also known as OpenGov, to the Darwinia Network.

For more information, please refer to the official OpenGov wiki.


In V1:

  • Only one proposal could be voted on at a time, which is inconvenient for a community-driven project like the Darwinia Network. A more flexible governance system is needed to support multiple simultaneous proposals.

  • The council holds excessive power in the governance process. A more decentralized governance system is required to enhance community involvement in decision-making.

  • The technical committee has limited functionality within the current governance framework. A more comprehensive governance system is necessary to increase the technical committee’s effectiveness.

With V2:

  • Multiple proposals across different tracks can be voted on simultaneously, enhancing the efficiency and flexibility of the governance process.

  • The introduction of tracks allows for more granular control over pass requirements.

  • The council can be removed, and its responsibilities delegated to different tracks, thereby ensuring a more decentralized governance structure.

  • The technical committee can function similarly to a fellowship within Polkadot, enabling it to whitelist proposals and expedite the governance process.


Seven tracks will be configured for the Darwinia Network.

The first one is Root, which remains essentially the same as in V1. Every passed proposal will be executed with the root origin.

The remaining tracks are defined as follows:

pub enum Origin {
	/// Origin able to dispatch a whitelisted call.
	/// General admin
	/// Origin able to cancel referenda.
	/// Origin able to kill referenda.
	/// Origin able to spend up to 4M RING from the treasury at once.
	/// Origin able to spend up to 20M RING from the treasury at once.

The specific spending limits are implemented through the following code:

macro_rules! decl_ensure {
		$vis:vis type $name:ident: EnsureOrigin<Success = $success_type:ty> {
			$( $item:ident = $success:expr, )*
	) => {
		$vis struct $name;
		impl<O: Into<Result<Origin, O>> + From<Origin>>
			EnsureOrigin<O> for $name
			type Success = $success_type;
			fn try_origin(o: O) -> Result<Self::Success, O> {
				o.into().and_then(|o| match o {
						Origin::$item => Ok($success),
					r => Err(O::from(r)),
			#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
			fn try_successful_origin() -> Result<O, ()> {
				// By convention the more privileged origins go later, so for greatest chance
				// of success, we want the last one.
				let _result: Result<O, ()> = Err(());
					let _result: Result<O, ()> = Ok(O::from(Origin::$item));
decl_ensure! {
	pub type Spender: EnsureOrigin<Success = Balance> {
		MediumSpender = 4_000_000 * UNIT,
		BigSpender = 20_000_000 * UNIT,